When supported, Amphetamine will use the system language selected in macOS's System Preferences ( → System Preferences → Language & Region → General). Only certain languages are supported. A full list of complete translations can be found here.

If you find that Amphetamine is not using macOS's system language, or you would like Amphetamine to use a different language than what is set up in System Preferences, you can manually set Amphetamine's language by following these steps:

macOS Catalina or newer:

• Navigate to  → System Preferences → Language & Region → Apps

• Select Amphetamine in the app list

• Click the pop up button and select the desired langage

• Reboot your Mac when prompted

Pre-macOS Catalina:

On older versions of macOS, you may not see the Apps section of the the Language & Region preference pane. To set Amphetamine's language on older versions of macOS, modify the preferred languages order.

Add or move the desire language for Amphetamine to the second position in preferred languages list as shown below. In the example below, English is the desired language for Amphetamine.

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