Amphetamine Enhancer will be getting an overhaul in the near future. This decision has been made based on user feed back and issue raised by the community with both enhancement installation and general understanding of how Amphetamine Enhancer functions. If you are having trouble installing enhancements via the app's interface, you can use the following Terminal commands to force an enhancement's installation:

Note: Amphetamine must be installed in your /Applications folder for the following commands to successfully execute.

Enhanced App & Process Monitoring:

mkdir ~/Library/LaunchAgents; cp /Applications/Amphetamine\ ~/Library/LaunchAgents/amphetamine-enhancer-allProcesses.plist; launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/amphetamine-enhancer-allProcesses.plist

Closed-Display Mode Fail Safe:

mkdir ~/Library/LaunchAgents; cp /Applications/Amphetamine\ ~/Library/LaunchAgents/amphetamine-enhancer-cdmManager.plist; launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/amphetamine-enhancer-cdmManager.plist

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